Yukiko Yamazaki runs SCUBA Diving Club Manatees in Tokyo. She and I met in 1991 when I first certified as an open-water scuba diver. While she was not my instructor (I was certified in Mexico) I went on more than a few dives with Manatees. In fact, I got both my advanced diver's certificate and my rescue diver's certification at Manatees. Imagine how pleased I was to meet with Yama-chan after several years (two and a half in New Zealand building a yacht) to find out that her organization offers trial dives and diving certification for the physically challenged. If you're interested in scuba diving, Manatees is worth a call.
Yukiko Yamazaki
SCUBA Diving Club Manatees
15-17 Sakamachi, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 160-0002 Japan
Tel: 03-5367-1277
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